Ghost Walks - Glide on inMany educators learn by seeing the actions and thinking of others and many educators describe time as the biggest barrier to realising...
Heat Maps - The SequelHeat Maps support students and teachers to monitor and measure progress. Our first Micro Move on Heat Maps has been our most popular...
Are we doing more than setting goals?I say ‘goal’, you say… (fill the blank) Did goal SETTING come to mind? We see and hear about a lot of goal setting in schools. Goal...
I'm StuckAs classroom teachers we are thrilled with ourselves when learning is ‘just-right hard’ or in the learning sweet spot. ‘Just-right hard’...
Artefacts to support quality talkIt makes sense that to support quality partner talk there needs to be something to talk about. In their analysis of forms of...
Students Making Sense of EvidenceWhat are some sources of evidence your students have access to? Are they able to use that source of evidence to describe what they have...
Talk Time TallyClose your eyes and picture yourself in your classroom or learning space. Where are you standing or sitting? What are you doing? I did...
Varied and Multiple Sources of EvidenceMuch of the work we do as educators we do formatively. That is, we are informed by information we receive about our impact on student...
Beware Your BiasAny factor that causes an educator to have higher expectations for some of their students and lower expectations for others is bound to...
Heat MapsHeat maps provide a visual summary using success criteria and colours. They are a way for students (and teachers) to quickly analyse...
Choosing Talking PartnersStudent talk is pivotal for learning across all ages, fostering engagement and understanding. Talk partners are pre-determined partners...
Grouping for LearningGrouping students for learning can be one of the hardest aspects of classroom management. Whilst research tells us that students working...
Making Quality Talk Clear Student talk to promote learning does not just happen. Some students will talk completely un-prompted (and sometimes about the topic at...